Further visa extensions for those unable to return home due to coronavirus

The extension will last until 31 July and will apply to anyone whose leave expired after the 24 January and cannot return home.

Overseas nationals who cannot return home due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic will be able to extend their visa until the end of July to give them peace of mind that they can stay in the UK until they are able to return home safely.

The extension will last until 31 July and will apply to anyone whose leave expired after the 24 January and cannot leave the country because of travel restrictions or self-isolation.

Today’s announcement builds on the previous extension which lasts until of 31 May, and ensures people who are not able to leave the UK are not impacted by circumstances outside of their control.

Our dedicated immigration team is continuing to work with clients to make the process as straightforward as possible. Anyone in this situation, who wishes to extend the visa, please contact Fountain Solicitors for the visa extension.

This will mean people can apply to switch into long-term routes whilst remaining in the UK. UKVI will continue to process applications as quickly as possible, however some applications may take longer than usual due to coronavirus related operational pressures.

Many foreign nationals have found themselves unable to return home since the outbreak of coronavirus due to flight cancellations and border restrictions.

Those who contact the Home Office for these visa extensions will be expected to return to their home countries as soon as possible once flight and border restrictions are lifted. No immigration enforcement action will be undertaken during this time for those who email the Home Office as outlined above.

You can contact us via email, telephone, what’s app, Skype or post.

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