Fountain Solicitors is at the forefront of litigation to preserve the fundamental human rights to which we are all entitled. The use of secret courts with secret evidence is spreading into more and more areas of law and the erosion of civil liberties in this country in the name of national security is a matter of deep concern.
The National Security and Civil Liberties team is headed by Natalia Garcia, previously a partner at Tyndallwoods Solicitors, who has more than 14 years’ experience in cases where the state raises allegations of national security risk or suspected terrorism against the individual. She is nationally recognised as a leader in the field.
We specialise in cases concerning:
- Deportation based on agreements with countries where torture is endemic;
- Appeals to SIAC (the Special Immigration Appeals Commission);
- Judicial Reviews;
- Control Orders (now TPIMS);
- UN and UK Asset Freezing regimes;
- The use of evidence obtained through torture;
- Denial of Citizenship;
- Deprivation of Liberty and Unlawful Detention;
- Exclusion from the UK;
- Exclusion from the Refugee Convention; and
- Any other national security issues
We have a dedicated, experienced and committed team specialising in cases where the rights of the individual are infringed by the state. We represent clients in London, Birmingham, Manchester, throughout the West Midlands and abroad who have been affected by anti-terrorism legislation.
If you need advice, assistance or representation with any issue concerning national security or civil liberties, please contact us on 01922 645 429 and ask to speak to Natalia Garcia or email
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