What will happen to our British passports if we leave the European Union after the referendum?

Article by Ramzan Sharif, Solicitor at Fountain Solicitors

Will we have to buy new, non-burgundy passports if we vote for a Brexit?

Passports cost a lot of money to replace and can take weeks to arrive at peak times.

You will have noticed, our passports say ‘ European Union ‘ across the top of them.

Although our passports are issued by the UK government, they share a format with the other 27 EU member states.

So, if we leave, will we have to apply for new ones? Will we have to pay the full amount? If everyone’s applying for them, will it take months for the backlog to clear?

The Passport Office told us they had entered purdah – a four-week period where official bodies cannot enter into conversation before the referendum – and could not comment either way.

The most likely (and probably easiest) solution is that our passports will be valid up until their date of expiration.

Then, once we apply for our new passport as usual, we will be issued with our new, non-EU passports.

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