Fountain Solicitors filed an urgent application on Friday 13th January forcing the Home Office to suspend the removal of six year old Lawand Hamadamin and his family to Germany. Removal was due to take place on Monday 16th January 2017. The Home Office made the decision under the Dublin Regulation, part of the Common European Asylum System from which the UK will effectively withdraw under Brexit.
The Hamadamin family have been in the UK since June 2016 when they claimed asylum and have been temporarily accommodated in Derby where Lawand attends the Royal Deaf School. He is in the UK with his parents and seven year old brother. But they arrived in the UK via a number of other EU countries and the UK Home Office have decided to return the family to Germany for their asylum claim to be considered.
Aisha Abdul-Latif, solicitor acting for the family, said “The family are relieved that they have been given a chance for the court to decide if the Home Office should be allowed to send them to Germany. But the fact remains that the family have been through a traumatic journey to the UK before finding a place of safety here and any further disruption will only add to their distress, particularly for Lawand.”
The family will be allowed to stay in the UK until the application is considered by a judge which is expected to be within the next few weeks. Their stay will also be extended if the judge gives permission for a full hearing of the application which argues that the UK is responsible for the asylum claim.
For further information contact Aisha Abdul-Latif of Fountain Solicitors on 07930302793.
Aisha Abdul-Latif and Rebwar Hamadamin (who requires an Arabic interpreter) are available for interview. Contact Aisha Abdul-Latif